"Thanks a lot for your time and consideration. Meeting you was a pleasure. I really appreciate the very professional testing that you rendered"


Polygraph exams are generally conducted to benefit businesses and the wealthy, and can range from $450.00 - $1000.00. Our exams are affordable for everyone starting at $300.00. Click here for price details.

Be aware that some individuals call themselves polygraph examiners when they do not have the proper training in regards to the operation of polygraph instruments. There are also examiners that post on their website that unless you pay a lot of money and follow their advise, you are being scammed. Please don't be fooled into paying a tremendous amount of money for an expert and certified polygraph exam. The best information you can receive concerning polygraph examinations is located at the American Polygraph Association website.

Confidential Services

All polygraph exams are strictly confidential. CNY Polygraph will not release the names of individuals who utilize our services, nor will we share information to a third party without your written permission.


Diverse Experience

We serve a wide range of clientele throughout the east coast and Canada, and every customer relationship is valued greatly. Each engagement benefits from the depth and breadth of our expertise.

Solutions Overview

Personal Solutions

We assist individuals in learning the truth and removing the doubts that can haunt for a lifetime, without causing additional financial burden.

What We Offer

We are committed to providing you with expert and confidential lie detector tests at an affordable price. We only use Lafayette computerized polygraph instruments. Our clients also receive their certified report the same day.


Our certification was received at the NECTC Polygraph Institute, who's curriculum meets the guidelines of the APA, AAPP, and the ASTM.

We offer high-quality certified exams and personal client service.

About CNY Polygraph, LLC

Email: ​​[email protected]